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後山紅葉 Maple at Backyard

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"片片紅葉轉..." 後山有一棵高大的紅葉樹,她的名字叫『烏桕』。




紅色的烏桕葉 Leaves of the Chinese Tallow Tree turned red.



Sapium sebiferum 是烏桕的學名。在網上有關於“Sapium”的字源:

1. (Celtic賽爾特語) Sap: Fat油脂;

2. (Latin拉丁文) Saponis: Soap肥皂。


這些字詞都顯示出烏桕的一些特性,如種子外皮有蠟燭(桕蠟)和肥皂(皮油)的原料,種子可壓榨“青油”。英文名Chinese Tallow Tree的“Tallow”更是動物脂肪的意思。霎時覺得烏桕非常"油淋淋"(油膩)。

中文名『烏桕』則著重描述其形態特徵,《本草綱目》中記載 “喜食其子,因以名之;其木老則根下黑爛成,故得此名”。


“烏”(烏臼鳥) 究竟是什麼雀鳥?有興趣可點擊下面的網址,看看其他人的討論及古人的描述。或許是『黑卷尾』,但個人認為是『髮冠卷尾』。




參考資料 Reference(請衡量非官方資料的準確性)


<Maple at Backyard>

There is a Chinese Tallow Tree at the backyard of Siu Sai Wan. In winter, the leaves of this tree turn red before falling.

Tai Tong is located at Tai Lam Country Park in Hong Kong and it's famous as the intensive plantation of Sweet Gums at roadsides. The Sweet Gum is native and leaves turn red in autumn and winter. However, the Sweet Gun does not belong to the family of maple trees that grow in Canada and Japan.

Other most common native "red-leaves" trees are Mountain Tallow Trees, Chinese Tallow Trees and Wax Trees.

Why do leaves turn red? We can simply conclude that there is not enough Chlorophyll (green pigments) in the new leaves and old leaves.

The scientific name of the Chinese Tallow Tree is Sapium sebiferum. “Sapium” may originally come from Celtic "Sap"(means fat) or Latin "Saponis" (means Soap). And "Sebiferum" means Wax.

The Chinese name "Wu Jiu" was described in a famous Chinese medicine book Compendium of Materia Medica in the 16th century. It said that a bird called "Wu" likes to eat the Chinese Tallow Tree's fruits and "Jiu" means its rotten wood.

But what is the bird species of "Wu" today? It can be an interesting topic to discuss. I guess "Wu" is the Hair-crested Drongo according to the old Chinese poems.

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