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請勿放生 No Mercy Release

1. 被放生的動物多是外來物種,部分更曾密集飼養/運送,容易生病或帶有外地病毒,放生後有機會感染野外的動物

2. “放生” 已成為部分商人賺取暴利的手段,更形成 “金錢 <->捕捉”的惡性循環

3. 大部分被放生的動物不能適應野外環境,生病甚至死亡

4. “食素護生”一樣得!

1. Weakened and sick after transportation and sale, many animals die shortly after release. They also spread disease to Hong Kong’s wildlife. 2. A compassionate activity is turned into a commercial enterprise, and traders are reaping money from the suffering of animals. 3. Many animals have no skills to survive in the wild and often will fail to find food. 4. Vegetarian diet is encouraged to replace mercy release.


© 行後山 Backyard Walk 2017

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