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餵野豬=善待野豬?Who does make the wild boar suffer?

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a. 2017.2 在山邊一處野豬出沒的地方發現了一袋湯渣,由4個膠袋包實。即使野豬將湯渣食乾淨,也會遺下膠袋。

b. 2017.3 某大學的山坡也有人餵飼野豬。可見袋中有豬肉和龍眼肉,在和暖的天氣下已經發臭。

c. 2012年的某天晚上,見到有人在後山拋食物餵野豬。

d. 2012年在後山的梯級旁也發現有豬肉。


1. 令野豬過分依賴人類,容易產生人豬矛盾。

野豬的新聞已經沉寂一時。你又可否記得,野豬出走市區後的下場是什麼嗎?我開始擔憂,有一日,後山的野豬會以『危害民居』的罪名,被狩獵隊射殺。雖然有更好的處理方法 - 將野豬遷回到樹林,但這也是極少數的例子。

2. 丟棄的廚餘和膠袋變成垃圾,污染自然環境。




野豬新聞 The news of wild boars

Information from other countries


Who does make the wild boar suffer?

In these months, I found that there have been more wild boars than before in the backyard. Some of them have become fearless to hikers, and the people can take a selfie with a wild boar closely. In my opinion, feeding by the human may change their natural behaviour. Although "Not to Feed Wild Animals" banners have been hung in the backyard, the problem has not been solved.


a. The soup ingredients were packed with 4 plastic bags.

b. A bag of food waste was found on the hillside of a university. How rancid!

c. I met a man throwing meat to feed the wild boar on a night of 2012 in the backyard.

d. A bag of meat was placed next to the stairs in the backyard in 2012.

Disadvantages of feeding wild boars:

1. The wild boar will learn to obtain food from residents and become increasingly bold. They may be aggressive in their efforts to obtain these foods, such as knocking over bins. In a result of heavy feeding, the monkeys in Kam Shan Country Park behave in robbing the hiker's bag. In Hong Kong, wild boars that approach the human society are usually seriously injured or killed by the police force.

2. The plastic bags and food waste left behind will pollute the environment.

Please do not feed wild boars anymore. Make a wild boar-safe community.

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