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無垢之果實 - 餘甘子 Amalaki

餘甘子 Myrobalan

<Scroll down for English version>


大家對餘甘子的深刻印象,可能是苦盡回甘的獨特風味!正因為如此,『餘甘子』才得名吧!客家話中稱『有甘』,後來被人叫它做『油甘子』。 但本人品嚐後,只覺得它苦,苦到打冷震,酸澀味像觸電般瞬間傳遍全身。


根據網上的其他資料,餘甘子也跟佛教結下不解之緣,尊稱『印度聖果』。餘甘子果實的梵文譯音為『菴摩洛迦』,無垢的意思。 大家以後食餘甘子的時候,除了苦盡甘來,還可能多一番佛的領悟呢?


參考資料 Reference


I went to the backyard for a walk after heavy rainfall and fortunately met the fruit-bearing Myrobalans. The seedling of the Myrobalan is often mistaken for the Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) as their extremely similar arrangement of leaves.

The Chinese name "Yu-gum" can reflect the special sweet aftertaste of fruits. It is also called as "Yau-gum", which means sweet in Hakka.

Traditionally, the dried leaves of Myrobalan are nicely ventilated and comfortable fillers of the pillow.

In Hong Kong, a village is believed to grow many Myrobalan trees in the past and was named as Yau Kom Tau in Chinese.

In addition, the fruit of Myrobalan is also well-known in India and in Buddhism.

© 行後山 Backyard Walk 2017

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