後山的捕獵者 Predators in Darkness

<Please scroll down for English version> 這是香港常見的貓頭鷹 - 領角鴞。名為『領』是因為頸部兩邊有淡色的羽毛,看上去像恤衫衣領。『鴞』字,同『囂張』的『囂』同音。『貓頭鷹』只是一個統稱,如果將貓頭鷹細分不同的種類,多數會叫牠們做『乜乜鴞』或『乜乜鵂鶹』,和『貓頭鷹』這三個字可謂南轅北轍。
環境資源中心 (台灣) http://bit.ly/2xVDHnn
香港生物多樣性數據庫 http://bit.ly/2xPio7E
貓頭鷹當寵物賣 違法兼播毒 http://bit.ly/2ylPpJq
讓貓頭鷹回歸大自然吧 http://bit.ly/2xdrLyr
Collared Scops Owl is one of the most common owl species in Hong Kong. The reason why it is called "collared" is that there are two pale grey patches on the neck, which look like the shirt collar.
When the night falls, the backyard of Siu Sai Wan will become the hunting ground of many predators. The diet of Collared Scops Owls is diverse and their preys range in size from insects to rats. Although the food is rich in the wild, the owls have been threatened by pet trade in Hong Kong. You can hear the news of stealing owl babies every once in a while.
You may remember the owls in Harry Potter. However, owls have many symbolic meanings in different countries. In Greek mythology, owls represent Athena and are associated to knowledge. In Indian mythology, owls are the vehicle of the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity Lakshmi. But owls represent death in many regions in China. Most owls have been under the threats of urban development, climate change and hunt.
If you encounter the owl luckily in the city or countryside, please care and love them.