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食蟲之森 錦地羅 Carnivorous Jungle Sundews

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是否覺得葉子上的露珠十分晶瑩誘人呢?原來那是吸引昆蟲和具黏性的液體,只要小動物在葉上走過,周圍的腺毛就會向內捲,將獵物黏住。《本草綱目》中寫道 “錦地羅出廣西慶遠山岩間”。確實,後山的錦地羅生長在一幅幾乎沒有泥土的岩面上。而食肉剛好補充貧瘠的岩面所缺乏的氮元素。





In order to compete more food and resources, all kinds of creatures have evolved typical characteristics. For example, owls have big eyes and specialized feathers, allowing silent flight and hunt in the dark. However, the excellent hunter is not only from animals.

In the backyard of Siu Sai Wan, there is a small patch of carnivorous plant Sundew. Unlike the normal plants, the stem of Sundews is short and grow close to the ground. The Sundew looks like a coin and therefore its another name is "money drop on the ground".

Do you think dews on the leaves are sparkling? Indeed it's sticky and used to attract insects. When the small insect walks on the leaf, the hairs will curl inward and then the insect will be trapped. Carnivorous Sundews have adapted to grow in the thin and poor soil, relying on the insect sources of nitrogen.

If you were a little insect, could you cross this perilous jungle successfully?

© 行後山 Backyard Walk 2017

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